The first issue of the journal Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy was edited by John Warketin and published in the Fall of 1965. It continues, edited now by Jerome A. Travers, PhD., and is distributed to members of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. The first issue contains the short article “Process Koans” by Warkentin and Carl Whitaker, and at the request of Warketin a biographical essay by Helen Rogers, wife of Carl Rogers, “A Wife’s-Eye View of Carl Rogers”.
For the DATE issue, Warkentin asked Muriel Whitaker to write a similar biography of her husband Carl Whitaker. “A Biography of Carl Whitaker” was published on DATE. It was Muriel’s first and only academic article, but foretold of her understanding and engagement with Whitaker’s work. She received praise from Whitaker’s colleagues, who were often also family friends, and from Helen Rogers.
Muriel Whitaker’s “A Biography of Carl Whitaker,” from a poor a photocopy of Voices.
Muriel’s typed draft of the Carl Whitaker biography – with redline notes.
A letter to Carl Whitaker about Muriel’s biography of Carl, from Fritz Midelfort, MD in 1966. A remarkable family therapist, a seminal thinker, a devoted teacher, and a spirited Christian, Midelfort died in 1984.
A letter to Carl Whitaker about Muriel’s biography of Carl, from Tom Leland, MD, a fellow psychiatrist and a founding editor of Voices.
A letter to Carl Whitaker about Muriel’s biography of Carl, from Alex Jasnow, June 13 1966.
Letter to CAW from Henry A. Dick – 1966
Letter to MSW & CAW from Henry Guze March 28, 1966
Letter to MSW by Helen Rogers – 1966
Letter to MSW by John Warkentin – 1965
Letter to MSW by John Warkentin – July 1965
Letter to MSW by John Warkentin – Sept 1965
Letter to MSW from John Warkentin – March 1966
Letter to MSW from Leonard Schwartz – 1966
Letter to MSW from Voices 1 25 1966
Medical License for Wisconsin – 1993
Mt. Sinai letter with Completion Letter – 1936