- Full bibliography
- Books authored by Carl Whitaker
- Books contributed to by Carl Whitaker
- Books about Carl Whitaker
- Journal articles authored by Carl Whitaker
- Journal articles about Carl Whitaker
- Audio files with Carl Whitaker
- Video files with Carl Whitaker
Books by or about Carl Whitaker
Dancing with the Family: A symbolic-experiential approach. Whitaker, Carl A.; Bumberry, William M. Philadelphia, PA, US: Brunner/Mazel. (1988). ix 233 pp.
Midnight Musings of a Family Therapist, Whitaker, C.A., New York : Norton, c1989.
The Family Crucible. Napier, Augustus Y.New York : Harper & Row, c1978.
Dancing with the Family. Whitaker, C.A. & Bumberry, W.M. (1988). New York; Brunner/Mazel.
Psychotherapy of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients, Boston : Little, Brown, c1958.
The Roots of Psychotherapy. Whitaker, C.A. New York, Blakiston [1953]
From Psyche to System: the evolving therapy of Carl Whitaker. New York : Guilford Press, c1982. John R. Neill (Editor), David P. Kniskern (Editor)
Reshaping Family Relationships: The Symbolic Therapy Of Carl Whitaker. William Bumberry, Gary M. Connell, Tammy Mitten, Routledge 1998
Journal/Magazine Articles by Carl Whitaker
Hypnosis and Family Depth Therapy. The Family Journal: counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, Vol. 8 No. 1, January 2000 7-13. (reprinted with permission of the Milton Erickson Foundation.) Carl A. Whitaker.
Reshaping Family Symbols: A Symbolic-Experiential Perspective. Connell, Gary M., Mitten, Tammy J., & Whitaker, Carl A. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol. 19 (3), 243-251. 1993.
Group Supervision in Symbolic Experiential Family Therapy. Keith, D.V., Connell, G.M. & Whitaker, C.A. Journal of Family Psychotherapy: Vol 3 (1) 1992.
A Symbolic-Experiential Approach to the Resolution of Therapeutic Obstacles in Family Therapy. Keith, D., Connell, G., & Whitaker, C. (1991). Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 2(9), 41-56.
Whitaker, C.A. (1990). Symbolic Experiential Family Therapy: Model and Methodology. In J. Zeig. The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. Pp 13-23.
Whitaker, C.A. (1990). Discussion by Carl Whitaker , M.D. In J. Zeig. The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. Pp 231-235.
Connell, G. M., Whitaker, C.A., Garfield, R., & Connell, L. C. (1990). The process of in-therapy consultation: A symbolic-experiential perspective. Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 9, 32-38.
Whitaker, C.A. (1990). I Had to Learn Because I Wasn’t Being Taught. Contemporary Family Therapy 12(3), June 1990. P181-183.
Keith, D.V. & Whitaker, C.A. (1988). The Presence of the Past: continuity and change in the symbolic understructure of the family. In C. Falicov (Ed.), Family transitions (pp. 431-447). New York: Guilford Press.
Keith, D.V., Westman, J.C. & Whitaker, C.A. (1988). Contrasting Child Psychiatry and Family Therapy. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. Vol 19(2). Pp 87-97.
Whitaker, C.A. & Garfield, R. (1987). On Teaching Psychotherapy Via Consultation and Cotherapy. Contemporary Family Therapy an International Journal, A Special Issue. Symbolic Experiential Journeys: A Tribute to Carl Whitaker. Vol. 9(1&2). Pp. 106-115.
Whitaker, C.A. (1985). The Dynamics of the American Family as Deduced from 20 Years of Family Therapy: The Family Unconscious. In J. Zeig. The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. Pp 75-90.
Whitaker, C.A. (1985). Discussion by Carl , M.D. In J. Zeig. The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. Pp 359-366.
Whitaker, C.A. (1982). Comments on Keeney and Sprenkle’s Paper. Family Process. Vol (21): 405-406.
Keith, D.V. & Whitaker, C.A. (1981). Play therapy: A paradigm for work with families. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 7, 243-254.
Stern, S., Whitaker, C.A., Hagemann, N.J., Anderson, R.B., Bargman, G.J. (1981). Anorexia Nervosa: The Hospital's Role in Family Treatment. Fam Proc 20:395-408.
Whitaker, C.A., Book Review. (1981). Problems of Family Disorganization: Determinants and Social Effects. By Jarosz, Maria. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol 7 (2), pp 217-223.
Keith, D.V. & Whitaker, C.A. (1980). Add Craziness and Stir: Psychotherapy with a Psychoticogenic Family. In: M. Andolfi and. I. Zwerling (Eds.), Dimensions of Family Therapy (pp. 139-160). New York: Guilford Press.
Whitaker, C.A. (1979). Book Review. Provocative Therapy, Frank Farrekky and Jeff Brandsma. Family Process Vol 18(1) p. 104.
Boss, P. & Whitaker, C.A (1979). Dialogue on Separation: Clinicians as Educators. Family Coordinator, 28(3), pp 391-398.
Whitaker, C.A. (1979). The Importance to the Family Therapist of Being Impotent. The Family, Vol 4 (2), 120-126.
Whitaker, C.A. Co-therapy of Chronic Schizophrenia. (1978). In M. Berger (ed.), Beyond the Double Bind: Communication and Family Systems. Theories and Techniques and Schizophrenics. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Keith, D. V. and Whitaker, C.A. (1978), Struggling with the Impotence Impasse: Absurdity and Acting-In. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 4: 69–78.
Whitaker, C.A. (1978), The Use of Videotape in Family Therapy with Special Relation to the Therapeutic Impasse. In M.M. Berger (Ed.), Videotape Techniques in Psychiatric Training and Treatment (rev.ed.). New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Keith, D.V. & Whitaker, C.A. (1977). The Divorce Labyrinth. In P. Papp (ed.). Family Therapy: Full Length Case Studies. Pp. 117-131.
Whitaker, C.A. (1977). The Technique of Family Therapy. In G.P. Sholevar (Ed.), Changing Sexual Values and the Family. Springfield, Ill: Charles Thomas
Whitaker, C.A. (1977). Symbolic Sex in Family Therapy. In P. Sholevar (Ed.), Changing Sexual Values and the Family. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas
Whitaker, C.A. & Napier, A. Y. (1977). Process Techniques of Family Therapy. Interaction, 1, 4–19.
Whitaker, C.A. and Keith, D.V. (1977). Counseling the Dissolving Marriage. In R.F. Stahmann & W.J. Hiebert (Eds.), Klemer’s Counseling in Marital and Sexual Problems (2nd Ed.). Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976-77). Family Therapy and Reparenting Myself. Voices. Vol 12 (4), 66-67.
Whitaker, C.A. (1977). Psicoterapie dell’Assurdo: Con Particolare Referimento alla Psicoterapie dell’Aggressivita. Terapia Familiare, June, No.1.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). The Hindrance of Theory in Clinical Work. In P. J. Guerin,. Jr. (Ed.), Family Therapy: Theory and Practice (pp. 154-164). Gardner Press, New York
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). Sex, love, and the Committed Relationship. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, Vol 2 (4), pp. 263-264.
Whitaker, C.A. and Malone, T.P. (1976). The Patient as a Person. In A.G. Banet, Jr. (Ed.), Creative Psychotherapy-A source book. La Jolla, Calif.: University Associates.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). The Learning Tree. In S. Kopp (Ed.), The Naked Therapist. San Diego: Edits, 1976.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). A Family is a Four-Dimensional Relationship. In P. J. Guerin,. Jr. (Ed.), Family Therapy: Theory and Practice (pp. 154-164). Gardner Press, New York.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). Psychotherapy with Couples. In G.D. Erickson & T.P. Hogan (Eds.), Family Therapy: An Introduction to Theory and Technique. New York: Jason Aronson.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). Comment: Live Supervision in Psychotherapy. Voices, Vol 12, 24-25.
Whitaker, C.A. (1976). Yoga and Psychotherapy—The Evolution of Consciousness: A Review. Voices. Vol 12, 59
Whitaker, C.A. (1975). Psychotherapy of the Absurd: With a Special Emphasis on the Psychotherapy of Aggression. Family Process 14(1). Pp1-16.
Whitaker, C.A. (1975). Book Review of-Invisible Loyalties: Reciprocity in Inter-Generational Family Therapy. By Boszormenyi-Nagy, I. & spark, G.M. – Family Process. Vol 14(1). P.117.
Whitaker, C.A. (1975). The Symptomatic Adolescent – an AWOL Family Member, in M. Sugar (Ed.) The Adolescent in Group and Family Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel. (2nd Edition, New Jersey: Jason Aronson).
Whitaker, C.A. (1975). A Family Therapist Looks at Marital Therapy. in A. Gurman and D. Rice (Eds.) Couples in Conflict: New Directions in Marital Therapy. New York: Jason Aronson.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Book Review. Marital Love and Hate. The Need for a Revised Marriage Contract. How You Can Love and Hate, Honor and Dishonor, Obey and Disobey. By Charny, I. –Family Process Vol 13(1) p128.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Counseling Techniques and the Person of the Counselor. Family Court Review. Vol 12(1). Pp. 1-5.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Marriage: Before, During and After. Family Court Review. Vol 126-7(1).
Whitaker, C.A. & Abrams, G. (l974). New Approaches to Residency Training in Psychiatry. In G. Farwell, N. Gamsky, & P. Mathier-Couoglan (Eds.), The Counseler's Handbook. New York: Intext Educational Publishers.
(contributions to chapters): A Family Therapy Notebook. B.B. Peck. Roslyn Heights, N.Y.: Libra Publishers, 1974.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Power Politics of Family Psychotherapy. Presented at the American Group Psychotherapy Association Conference Symposium, February 17.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Alternate Treatment Systems for Psychosis. Voices. Vol 10, 60.
Whitaker, C.A. (1974). Techniques de Processus en Therapie Familale. Cahier de Therapie Familiale, No.1.
Whitaker, C.A. (1973). My Philosophy of Psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. Vol. 6 (1). Pp49-52.
Whitaker, C.A. and Meyer, C.T. (1973). Book Review. Soul Murder: Persecution in the Family. By Morton Schatzman - Family Process. Vol 12 (1), pp 101-102. pages 101–102.
Whitaker, C.A. Book Review (1973). Psychodynamics of Aging: Creativity, Reminiscing, and Dying. By Sidney Levin and Ralph J. Kahana (Eds.). New York: International Universies Press, 1967.. Psychoanal. Rev., 60:321-322.
Napier A.Y., Whitaker, C.A. (1973). Problems of the Beginning Family Therapist. Seminars in Psychiatry. Vol 5(2), 229-41.
Napier A.Y., Whitaker, C.A. (1973). Problems of the Beginning Family Therapist. In d. Bloch (Ed.), Techniques of Family Psychotherapy: A Primer. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1973.
Whitaker, C.A. and Napier, A. (1973). Teaching Open Communication and Commitment to Intimacy. In S.J. Marks & S. Berg (Eds.), Doing the Unknown. New York: Dell.
Whitaker, C.A. (1973). Out of Janet’s Magic Into Limbo. Voices. Vol 9, 50-51.
Whitaker, C.A. and Napier, A. (1973). Tecnicas del Proceso de Teraplia Familiar. Neurocirujia-Psiquiatria. Vol 14 (2-3).
Whitaker, C.A. (1972). Commentary by Carl A. , M.D.: A Longitudinal View of Therapy Styles Where N=1. Family Process Vol 11(1) pp 13-14.
Whitaker, C.A. (1972). Multiple Therapy and its Variations. in Goldman, George D; Milman, Donald S. (Authors). Innovations in Psychotherapy. Oxford, England: Charles C Thomas; England.
Abroms, G. M., Fellner, C. H., and Whitaker, C.A. (1971). The Family Enters the Hospital. Am J Psychiatry 127:1363-1370.
Whitaker, C.A., (1971). A Commentary on Rollo May’s Contributions of Existential Psychotherapy. In A.R. Mahrer & L. Pearson (Eds.), Creative Developments in Psychotherapy (Vol. 1). Cleveland: Case Western Reserve Press.
Whitaker, C.A. and Olsen, E. (1971). The Staff Team and the Family Square Off. In G.M. Abroms & N.S. Greenfield (Eds.), The New Hospital Psychiatry. New York: Academic Press.
Whitaker, C.A. and Napier, A. (1971). Process Techniques of Family Therapy. Presented at the Family Therapy Conference, Montreal. Fall.
Whitaker, C.A. and Meyer, C.T. (1973). Book Review. Soul Murder: Persecution in the Family. By Morton Schatzman - Family Process. Vol 12 (1), pp 101-102. pages 101–102.
Whitaker, C.A., (1970). The territory chart as a platform for family therapy. Voices: the Art & Science of Psychotherapy. Vol.6(2), pp. 95-97.
Whitaker, C.A., (1970), The Role of the Psychiatrist in Treating Divorce Cases. Dr. replies. American Journal of Psychiatry. 126(9):1328-1329.
Whitaker, C.A., and Miller, M.H. (1969). A Reevaluation of "Psychiatric Help" When Divorce Impends. Am J Psychiatry 126:611-618.
Miller, M.H., Whitaker, C.A., and Fellner, C.H., (1969). Existentialism in American Psychiatry—Ten Years Later. Am J Psychiatry 125:1112-1115.
Whitaker, C.A., Burdy, J., (1969). Family psychotherapy of a psychopathic personality: must every member change? Compr Psychiatry, 10(5):361-364.
Whitaker, C.A. (1969), Triadic-based family therapy. International Journal of Psychiatry. 8(2):566-567.
Whitaker, C.A. (1969). Dyads and Triads — A Critical Evaluation of “Triadic-Based Family Therapy". International Journal of Psychiatry. 8(2):566-567.
Creative Developments in Psychotherapy (Vol. 1). A. Mehrer & L. Rearson, Eds. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1969. (contributions to chapters)
Family dynamics and female sexual delinquency. O. Pollack & A.S. Friedman, Eds. Palo Alto, Calif: Science & Behavior Books, 1969. (contributions to chapters)
Psychotherapy from the center. R. B. Corlis & P. Rabe, Eds. Scranton, Penn.: International Textbook Co., 1969. (contributions to chapters)
The Puzzled Body. C. Kent. London: Vision Press, 1969. (Forward to book)
Psychiatry: East and West. J.H. Masserman, Ed. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1968. (contributions to chapters)
The growing edge - An interview with Carl Whitaker. (1968). In J. Haley & L. Hoffman (Eds.), Techniques of family therapy. New York: Basic Books.
Whitaker, C.A. (1968). The Impasse. Voices. Vol 4 (3), 5-8.
The therapeutic relationship and its impact: A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics. C.A. Rogers, Ed. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. (contributions to chapters)
Whitaker, C.A., and Warkentin, J. (1967). The secret agenda of the therapist doing couples therapy. In G.H. Zuk & I. Boszorormenyi-Nagi (Eds.), Family therapy and disturbed families. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science & Behavior Books.
Whitaker, C.A., and Warkentin, J. (1967). The therapist as a prototype. In J.F.T. Bugental (Ed.), The challenges of humanistic psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Whitaker, C.A. (1967). The commitment to intimacy. Existential Psychiatry. Vol 6(23), 182-183.
Whitaker, C.A. (1967). The contribution of individual and family therapy to the psychotherapy of schizophrenia. Presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute Conferences on Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia, April 21-22.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966). Training for the Unreality Experience, Voices, 2, 43-46.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966), Family treatment of a psychopathic personality. Comprehensive Psychiatry. Vol.7(5), pp. 397-402.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966), The marriage: a secret ally for the physician. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association. 64(11):1012-1014.
Whitaker, C.A. and Warkenin, J. (1966). Serial impasses in marriage. Psychiatric Research Report (20). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966). Open communication from the psychotherapists. Existential Psychotherapy. January.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966). Sauna bath and snow plunge. Voices, Vol 2 (1), 33.
Whitaker, C.A. (1966). The administrative ending in psychotherapy. Voices, Vol 2 (2), 69-70.
Whitaker, C.A. and Warkentin, J. (1966). Process Koans. Voices Vol 2, 91-92.
Whitaker, C.A., Felder, R. E. and Warkentin, J., Countertransference in the family treatment of schizophrenia. In I. Boszormenyi-Nagy & J.L. Framo (eds.), Intensive family therapy: Theoretical and practical aspects. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Malone, T.P., Whitaker, C.A., (1965). A Community of Psychotherapists. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. Vol 15:23-8.
(Contribution to chapters): Strategy and structure in psychotherapy;: Three research studies of the ... studies monograph) by Oliver Spurgeon English (Unknown Binding - 1965).
(Contribution to chapters): Stream and structure of communicational behavior. A.E. Schelflen, Ed. Philadelphia: Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, 1965.
Whitaker, C.A. and Warkentin, J. (1965). Time-limited therapy for an agency case, with J. Warkentin. In A. Burton (Ed.), Modern psychotherapeutic practice. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science & Behavior Books.
Whitaker, C.A. Acting out in family psychotherapy. (1965). Acting out in family psychotherapy. In L.E. Abt & S. L. Weissman (Eds.), Acting out-Theoretical and clinical aspects. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Whitaker, C.A. (1965). The psychotherapy of married couples. Lecture delivered at the Cleveland Institute of Gestalt Therapy, Cleveland, Ohio, January.
Whitaker, C.A. and J. Warkentin. (1965). Marriage - A model of intimacy in our society. Presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute Conference on Treatment of Marital Problems, April.
Whitaker, C.A. and Warkentin, J. (1964). The one-to-one therapeutic relationship in the treatment of schizophrenia. Presented at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute Conference.
Whitaker, C.A. and Malone, T.P. (1963). The psychotherapy of the acting-out schizophrenic. American Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol 17 (3), 417-426
Whitaker, C.A., Felder, R.E., Malone, T.P., and Warkentin, J. (1962), First stage techniques in the experiential psychotherapy of chronic schizophrenic patients. In J. Masserman (Ed.), Current Psychiatric Therapies. (Vol 2). New York: Grune & Stratton.
Whitaker, C.A. (1962). The use of aggression in group psychotherapy. Journal of the Los Angeles Group Psychotherapy Association, July 1962
Warkentin, J., Felder, R.E., Malone, T.P., Whitaker, C.A., (1961), The usefulness of craziness. Medical Times. Vol.89, pp. 587-590.
Malone, T.P., Whitaker, C.A., Warkentin, J., Felder, R.E., (1961), Rational and nonrational psychotherapy: A reply. American Journal of Psychotherapy. Vol.15, pp. 212-220.
Whitaker, C.A. (1961), The ongoing training of the psychotherapist. In M.P. Dellis & H. K. Stone (Eds.), The training of psychotherapists. Baton rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1961
Felder, R.E., Malone, T.P., Warkentin, J. and Whitaker, C.A. (1960), Organic psychosis as picked up in psychiatric examination. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia. 49:56-60.
Whitaker, C.A. (1960), The ambulatory schizophrenic patient. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia. 49:125-126.
Whitaker, C.A. (1960). Anxiety and psychotherapy. In M.R. Stein, A.J. Vidich, & D.M. White (Eds.), Identity and anxiety. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960.
Warkentin, J., Whitaker, C.A., Malone, T.P., (1959). Social origins of delusions, Southern Medical Journal, 2(11), 1418-1420.
Whitaker, C.A., Warkentin, J., and Malone,T.P. (1959). The Involvement of the Professional Therapist. In A. Burton (ed.). Case Studies in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Pp. 218-256. Prentice-Hall, N.J.
Contributions to portions of discussion within chapters 11, 17, 19, 20, and 21 in Critical incidents in psychotherapy. S.W. Standal & R. J. Corsini, Eds. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1959.
Whitaker, C.A. (ed.), Psychotherapy of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients. Boston: Little. Brown. 1958.
Whitaker, C.A. (1958). Psychotherapy with couples. American Journal of Psychotherapy. Jan;12(1):18-23.
Whitaker, C.A. (1957), Communication in brief psychotherapy with the non-psychotic patient. Diseases of the Nervous System. 18(2):67-72.
Whitaker, C.A., Warkentin, J., and Malone,T.P. (1956). Multiple therapy and psychotherapy. In J.L. Moreno & F. Fromm-Reichmann (eds.), Progress in psychotherapy. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Whitaker, C.A. (1955). Doctor-patient relationship in therapy: A round table discussion. American Journal of Psychoanalysis. Vol 15(1), 3-21.
Whitaker, C.A., (1952), Preverbal aspects of psychotherapy with schizophrenic patients. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol 67, pp. 834-837.
Warkentin, J., Johnson, N.L., Whitaker, C.A. (1951). A comparison of individual and multiple psychotherapy. Psychiatry, Vol. 14(4), 415-418.
Whitaker, C.A. (1951). Symposium on group psychotherapy, theory and practice. Group Psychotherapy. Vol 4(1/2), 38-40.
Whitaker, C.A., Warkentin, J., and Johnson, N. (1950), The psychotherapeutic impasse. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 20(3):641-647.
Whitaker, C.A., Warkentin, J., and Johnson, N., (1949). A philosophical basis for brief psychotherapy. Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol 23(3), 439-443.
Wood, R.H., Ades, H.W., Whitaker, C.A. (1949). Group Interviewing As a Method of Evaluating Applicants for Medical School. Journal of the American Medical College Association, Vol. 24(3), pp. 158-161.
Whitaker, C.A. (1949). Teaching the practicing physician to do psychotherapy. Southern Medical Journal. 42(10):899-903.
Whitaker, C.A. (1949), The battle for survival, Illinois Medical Journal. 96(3):180-186.
Whitaker, C.A. (1948), Compensation for psychiatric disabilities in industry. Occupational Medicine. 5(4):391-395.
Whitaker, C.A. (1947). Induced Regressive Behavior as Therapy for Adults. Unpublished with movie. American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1947
Whitaker, C.A. (1946), Ormsby Village, an experiment with forced psychotherapy in the rehabilitation of the delinquent adolescent. Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes. Vol.9 1946, pp. 239-250.
Whitaker, C.A. (1944), The delinquent’s first interview. Probation. Vol.23, pp. 15-20.
Whitaker, C.A. (1942). Without psychosis-chronic alcoholism: A follow-up study. Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol 16 (2), 373-392.
Davidoff, E. and Whitaker, C.A. (1940) Prepsychotic personality in alcoholic psychoses. Psychiatric Quarterly, 14, 103–20.
Davidoff, E. and Whitaker, C.A. (1940). Treatment of neurosyphilis in a psychiatric clinic. Diseases of the Nervous System, Vol (1/2), 113-121.
Textbook/Collection Contributions by Carl Whitaker
The Book of Family Therapy. A. Ferber, M. Mendelsohn, & A. Napier, Eds. New York: Science House, 1972.
The inner life of the consultant. in Andolfi, Maurizio and Haber, Russell (Eds). Whitaker, C.A., Simons, J.,Please help me with this family: Using consultants as resources in family therapy. (pp. 66-70). Philadelphia, PA, US: Brunner/Mazel.
Whitaker, C.A., Framo, J.L., Weeks, G.R., (1990). General Family Therapy. In Zeig, Jeffrey K, and Munion, W. Michael (Eds), What is psychotherapy? : Contemporary Perspectives. (pp. 256-265). San Francisco, CA, US: Jossey-Bass.
Keith, D.V. & Whitaker, C.A. (1985). Failure: Our Bold Companion. In S. Coleman (ed.),. Failures in Family Therapy. (pp. 8-23). New York: The Guilford Press.
Keith, D.V., & Whitaker, C.A. (1983) Co-Therapy with Families. In Benjamin Wolman and George Stricker. Handbook of Family and Marital Therapy. Plenum Press, New York and London, p91.
Metcoff, J, Whitaker, C.A., Family microevents: Communication patterns for problem solving. in Walsh, Froma (Ed). (1982). Normal family processes. (pp. 251-274).New York, NY, US: Guilford Press.
Whitaker, C.A. and Keith, D. V., (1981). "Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy," in A. S. Gurman and D. P. Kniskern (eds.), Handbook of Family Therapy, New York, Brunner/Mazel.
Whitaker, C.A. Greenberg, A., and Greenberg, M.L. (1981). "Existential Marital Therapy: A Synthesis: A Subsystem of Existential Family Therapy," in G. Pirooz Sholevar (Author). The Handbook of Marriage and Marital Therapy. New York: Spectrum Publications
(contributions to chapters): Black Ghetto Family in Therapy: A Laboratory Experience. C. J. Sager, T. L. Braybog, & B. Waxenberg. New York: Grove Press: 1970.
(contributions to chapters): Family Interaction: An Encounter Between Family Researchers and Family Therapists. J.L. Framo & I. Boszormenyi-Nagy, Eds. New York: Springer, 1970.
Whitaker, C.A. and Malone, T.P., (1968). Experiential and non-rational psychotherapy. In W.S. Sahakian (Ed.), Psychotherapy and counseling-Studies in technique. Skokie, Ill.: Rand McNally.
Articles about Carl Whitaker
Matt J. Englar-Carlson. Enough about Models and Abstractions, Let Your Therapeutic Soul be Free: An Interview with Bradford Keeney, The Family Journal July 2003 11: 309-314.
Flomenhaft, K. (1983). Book Review. From Psyche to System: The Evolving Therapy of Carl Whitaker. Family Process Vol 22(3). P. 401.
Keeney, B.P. (1987). Cybernetics of the Absurd: A Tribute to Carl Whitaker . Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies, 5: 20-28, 1987.
Maurizio, Andolfi. (1996). Let it flow: Carl Whitaker’s Philosophy of Becoming. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol 22 (3) pp. 317-319.
Keith, D.V. (1987). Intuition in Family Therapy: A Short Manual on Post-Modern Witchcraft. Contemporary Family Therapy. Vol 9(1-2). Pp. 11-22.
Simon, R. (1985). Take It or Leave It: An interview with Carl Whitaker. Networker. September/October. Pp. 26-75.
Boylin, W. (2007). The Cuddle Group: Using Fellow Therapists for Professional Support and Nurturance. Connecticut Connection. Winter 2007. Pp 9-10.
Smith, R. M. (1984). Back and forth across the corpus callosum: three days with Carl Whitaker. The Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies. Vol 3(1), pp 53-55.
Keith, D.V. (2000). Carl Whitaker. Creative Conversations.
Disque, J.G. & Morrow, B. (2002). Gus Napier: Reflections on the Field of Family Therapy. The Family journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, Vol 10(1). Pp 112-118.
Mitten, T. & Piercy, F.P. (1993). Learning Symbolic-Experiential Therapy: One Approach. Contemporary Family Therapy, 15(2), Pp 149-168.
Denofsky, H. Obstacles in Therapy: Redefining the Therapeutic Role. Spring 2006 Annals of the Psychotherapy Association. Pp 11-18.
Boylin, W.M., Anderson, S.A. & Bartle, S.A. (1992). Symbolic-Experiential Supervision: A Model for Learning or a Frame of Mind? Pp 43-59.
Smith, G.L. (2004). The Present State and Future of Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy: A Post-Modern Analysis. Contemporary Family Therapy. Vol 20(2). Pp147-161.
Mitten, T.J. (2004). The Core Variables of Symbolic-Experiential Therapy: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol 30(4). Pp. 467-478.
Bergantino, L. (1983). I asked Carl Whitaker to Teach me Family Therapy and this is What Happened?!. The American Journal of Family Therapy. Vol 11(2). Pp 59-66.
Denofsky, H. (2004). Clinical Dialogues in Family Therapy: Based on the Psychotherapy of Carl Whitaker MD and David Keith MD. Publish America.
Memorials for Carl Whitaker
Mary Sykes Wylie. Remembering Carl . Psychotherapynetworker.org, http://www.psychotherapynetworker.org/component/content/article/163-1995-julyaugust/972-crazy-like-a-fox
Wynne, L. (1995). Carl A. Whitaker, M.D., 1912-1995: A Fond Farewell. Family Process Vol 34(2) pp i-ii.
Goleman, D. (1995). Carl Whitaker, 83, Therapist Who Focused on Family Life. The New York Times. April 25, 1995.
Keith, D.V. Remembered: Carl Whitaker Was a Friend of Mine. AFTA Newsletter. Winter, 1995-96. Pp 15-17.
Keith, D.V. The Man Who Loved Schizophrenics. Family Therapy Networker, Vol. 19, July 1995.
Connell, G. (1996). Carl Whitaker: In Memoriam. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol 22 (1). Pp. 3-8.